Try our jewelry retouching service for free

We will perform editing of up to 3 photos of jewelry and watches absolutely FREE for our new customers. No credit card required. Please only submit your sample photography for the purpose of our service quality evaluation. Most free trial images are processed at 500x500 pixels image size on regular US business days. Images submitted must be high quality straight out of camera photos of jewelry.

Submit your Jewelry photos for free trial retouching

Enter your valid and working contact e-mail.

Please choose up to 3 jewelry image files (.jpg, .tif).

Please let us know if you have any special requirements.

You may also submit your trial photos to or use file transfer services like DropBox or WeTransfer. Please include any special requirements you may have (dimensions, file size, composition, special features), edited samples for us to better understand your needs and your contact e-mail.

Featured Retouched Photos - Jewelry

Want to see more edited samples? Visit our Portfolio section.

Want to learn more about the process? Visit our FAQ section.


"Work was exactly what I needed, well done. I'll certainly be using jetRetouch for this work in the future."

- Brian, Professional Jewelry Retoucher

"Work was exactly what I needed, well done. I'll certainly be using jetRetouch for this work in the future."

- Brian, Professional Jewelry Retoucher

"jetRetouch does excellent work, as we like it and makes our images look very high quality. Even more impressive is the turnaround time on alterations to images."

- Mike, MLG Jewelry, 4th Generation Jewelers since 1912